Main Calendar
Main Calendar
Food is Free Bay Area Food Distribution
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Every Second Saturday (Starting May 13th) at the Benicia Library Food is Free Bay area is offering free food distributions
Food is Free Bay Area Food Distribution
Food is Free Bay Area will hold food distribution on Tuesdays 9-10:30am at 1400 East 2nd Street
Benicia Theatre Group presents "Death Trap" a classic murder mystery play
Tickets are on sale now for Benicia Theatre Group’s production of DEATHTRAP, which opens this Friday, October 20th. This gripping and sinister play features suspense, humor, murder, unexpected plot twists and edge-of-your-seat moments that will keep ...
Downtown Holiday Shopping Spree
A drawing for a Downtown Benicia Shopping Spree valued at $500 in Downtown Dollars. For every $10 that you spend at participating merchants, you will receive one ticket for the drawing.
Benicia Chamber of Commerce Lunch Mob
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Join the Benicia Chamber of Commerce for lunch at Drift Benicia at 366 1st Street. Lunch is $15 per person. You can chose a Caesar Salad or Tomato Bisque Soup and then for the second course you have a choice of Veggie Pizza or Meat Combo. Meet new ...